Calum is a Lecturer within the Department of Physics & Astronomy at the University of Exeter.
Research Overview: My research centres around the control of light-matter interactions in photonic nanostructures in order to build functional devices. I am currently interested in metasurfaces for imaging and sensing applications, biomedical optics, novel nanofabrication methods, and tunable nanophotonic devices. Research challenges lying at the interface between disciplines are of particular interest.
Background: Calum obtained a BSc (Hons) in Physics from Cardiff University (2011), an MPhil (Dist.) in Micro & Nanotechnology at the University of Cambridge (2012), and in 2013 joined the Photonic Systems Development Centre for Doctoral Training at the University of Cambridge. He completed his Ph.D. (Engineering) in 2017, with doctoral research in plasmonic nanostructures for enhanced optical devices. Calum is now a Senior Research Associate, became a Junior Research Fellow at Wolfson College in 2018 and a Wellcome Trust Junior Interdisciplinary Fellow in 2019. He is member of the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), Optical Society (OSA) and Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE).